Slants Puzzles from


In the terminal few days earlier Spring Break, a large subdivision of my students were gone for diverse reasons.  I decided it was non an ideal fourth dimension to offset a construct novel unit of measurement inward trigonometry.  So, I went looking for a novel logic puzzle to innovate my trig students to.  Many of these students accept been inward my math classes since they were eighth graders, together with then they've seen almost all of the puzzles I accept upward my sleeve.  

I constitute these interesting looking slant puzzles from  I created a one-page introduction amongst the rules for these puzzles to give to my students. 

Then, I used my snipping tool to select handgrip of several puzzles for my students to endeavour their hands at. 

Page 1 of Puzzles:

Page two of Puzzles:

Page three of Puzzles: 

Some of my students got actually into these puzzles.  Others, non together with then much.  

If I was going to role these amongst my students again, I would construct a MUCH bigger bargain close the "Loops are non allowed" rule.  Many of my students ignored this rule...

Image Source: 

I enjoyed these puzzles myself.  I await forrard to doing to a greater extent than of them inward the future.

Interested inward the file I created amongst the rules together with sample puzzles?  I accept uploaded it here.

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